trade schools for struggling students

My sixteen-year-old son has struggled to get this far in high school. At this point, we know that he will not be attending a college to become a doctor or lawyer, but that he will be going to a trade school instead. Why would we make this plan so soon? Will he really benefit from going to a trade school and not a college? There are so many benefits to going to a trade school, and if you visit my blog, you will learn what those benefits are. Hopefully, you will gain a better understanding of how a trade school can help a struggling student create a career plan that is reachable.

How An Aging Generation Of Barbers Is Creating New Job Opportunities In America


The stereotypical image of a crusty old barber is pleasantly nostalgic for many Americans, but it also represents an industry undergoing dramatic changes. As far back as 1990, the average age of a barber in the United States was 59, and the subsequent years have seen a flood of retiring professionals with few young people waiting to replace them. Today, however, with many men developing a renewed interest in their hairstyles, barbering is a promising field for those seeking a sociable and consistent career with plenty of new opportunities opening up across the nation. 

Entering a Shifting Industry

The barbering industry is at a generational crossroads, as the traditional old barbershop is gradually replaced by shops with more modern equipment, styling and techniques. This transition is necessary in order to compete with hair salons, which have been successfully poaching young men for years by offering more sophisticated, alternative hairstyles. As older barbers retire, they leave behind an opportunity to revitalize the entire industry. 

Finding Skilled Local Jobs

One valuable aspect of becoming a barber is that demand will follow you nearly anywhere you go. Hair grows in big cities and small towns alike, leaving you free to work wherever you can find clients. This stands in contrast to other skilled industries, which tend to cluster in large cities and present only limited job opportunities elsewhere. Once you are certified through a barber college, you may choose to seek employment in an established shop and later start your own business. 

Enjoying a Reliable Career

Many young people overlook becoming a barber because of its reputation as a traditional, boring career. But unlike many other industries, a barber cannot be outsourced, and he or she often faces better job security than corporate employees facing massive layoffs. Barbers earn more hourly, on average, than similar hair stylists and cosmetologists, and they are frequently self-employed. This freedom to set your own success and hours appeals to many enterprising individuals who want to retain their own independence.  

Exploring Evolving Trends and Styles

If you still assume that being a barber means shaving around the ears of old men all day, you may be in for a surprise. Youth trends in the United States have given men more freedom to wear their hair in new and interesting ways, creating a whole industry based around men's hair styles and products. Understanding the latest fashions and being able to execute complicated concepts are now vital skills for any new barber, and appealing to youthful clients will help ensure that your business flourishes and continues to grow. In an economy where skilled entry-level jobs are scarce, attending a barber college may be the best decision you ever make. 


17 December 2015