trade schools for struggling students

My sixteen-year-old son has struggled to get this far in high school. At this point, we know that he will not be attending a college to become a doctor or lawyer, but that he will be going to a trade school instead. Why would we make this plan so soon? Will he really benefit from going to a trade school and not a college? There are so many benefits to going to a trade school, and if you visit my blog, you will learn what those benefits are. Hopefully, you will gain a better understanding of how a trade school can help a struggling student create a career plan that is reachable.

3 Ways To Build Your Child's Self-Esteem


Kids tend to learn more by what they see than by what they hear. Because of this, you should consider yourself your child's biggest role model. Your child will learn a lot of behaviors from seeing your actions. While there are programs and activities you can sign your child up for to help him or her with self-esteem issues, here are three things you can do that may help your child develop a positive self-esteem without help from a professional.

Demonstrate a Positive Attitude

If you want to build your child's self-esteem, you will need to be intentional about the way you act all the time. Staying positive is one of the best ways to do this. This may take some work for you, especially if you are a natural pessimist, but it will be worth it. If you try to focus on the positive things in life, your child may have an easier time doing this too. This could help the child feel happier in life and more satisfied with the way things are.

Never Cut Yourself or Your Child Down

The second intentional habit you should get into is avoiding putting yourself or your child down. It can be very common for people to say derogatory things about themselves, such as, "I am so fat." When a child hears this, he or she may begin thinking the same thing, and this could bring the child's self-esteem down. Talking this way about yourself is not only a bad habit to do, but saying bad things about the child is always bad for his or her self-esteem.

Help Your Child Pursue Things He or She Is Good At

Another way you can help build your child's self-esteem is by helping him or her find things he or she is good at. When a child enjoys doing something and is good at doing it, he or she is likely to have a higher self-esteem. As a parent, you can help your child find activities to take part in by allowing the child to try various things.

For example, sign up your child for various types of sports, music lessons, or art classes. As the child begins taking part in these things, you will soon discover what interests he or she has, and what things the child is good at doing.

Having a high self-esteem is an important part of life for kids and adults, and with the right steps you can build your child's self-esteem simply from the influence you give him or her. To learn more about this, you can look into classes that are offered for building self-esteem at Aikido Northshore.


9 June 2015